→Age and Participation
===Age and Participation===
Lindell, Karjalainen and Rapeli found that people at the at their 30th to their 50th, tennd to particpate less<ref>Karjalainen, M., & Rapeli, L. (2014). Who will not deliberate? Attrition in a multi-stage citizen deliberation experiment . Quality & Quantity</ref><ref>Lindell, M. (2014). What Drives the Polarization and Moderation of Opinions? Evidence from a Finnish Citizen Experiment on Immigration. In ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2014, workshop “Systematising Comparison of Democratic Innovations: Advanced Explanations of the Emergence, Sustenance and Failure of Participatory Institutions”.</ref>, probably because of lack of time, due to the intensety of theis period in life.
===The size of the society and Participation===
The larger the citizen body, the smaller the participation (according to [[participation factor]] and rational ignourence<ref>Downs, A. (1957). An economic theory of political action in a democracy. The Journal of Political Economy, 135–150.</ref>). This is supported by Dahn on municipalty participating in voting<ref>אבי בן בסט ומומי דהן המשבר ברשויות המקומיות — יעילות מול ייצוגיות 37 )פרסומי
המכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה, 2008 (.</ref>. The reason that citizens gave was the feeling of lack of influance<ref> יעל ישי "אזרחות עירונית בישראל: בין שיתוף לשותפות" מדינה וחברה 5, 985 ) 2005 (;אפרת וקסמן ודנה בלאנדר דגמים של שיתוף אזרחים )נייר־עמדה מס' 26 , המכון הישראלילדמוקרטיה, 2002 (.</ref>
==Communication Elements==