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In order to resolve an emotional conflict the rostal[[ACC]] inhibits the [[amygdala]] (or [[FFFF]] mechanism)<ref>[http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Amit Etkin, Tobias Egner, Daniel M. Peraza, Eric R. Kandel and Joy Hirsch, Resolving Emotional Conflict: A Role for the Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Modulating Activity in the Amygdala, Neuron 51, 1–12, September 7, 2006]</ref>. This is strengthing by the findings that in panic disorder, the volume of the the ACC is reduced, <ref>[https://www.slicer.org/slicerWeb/images/2/2c/Asami-PsychiatryClinNeurosci2008.pdf Takeshi et al., Anterior cingulate cortex volume reduction in patients with panic disorder, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 62: 322–330]</ref> . When the ACC (ACcd) has deficient in activation, there seem to be more impolsivity in ADHD compered to control group<ref>[http://faculty-web.at.northwestern.edu/speech/booth/james/neuropsychology/AttentionArticles/BushFrazier.1999.pdf low ACcd activity and ADHD impulsivity, 1999]</ref>. When anticipating pain, women domnstrate more activation of the ACC<ref>[http://ukpmc.ac.uk/abstract/MED/16012355/reload=0;jsessionid=fBlS5IiTyyjXq46t6m68.12 Gender difrences in ACC before pain, 2005]</ref>.
It seems that [[LC-NE system|LC-NE]] relese [[Norepinephrine]] to [[ACC]], which then elvate wakeness. The [[ACC]] send signals to the [[LC-NE system|LC]], to maintain wakeness while new stimules are precived<ref>Heinrich S. Gompf, Christine Mathai, Patrick M. Fuller, David A. Wood, Nigel P. Pedersen, Clifford B. Saper, and Jun Lu (2010) Locus Ceruleus and Anterior Cingulate Cortex Sustain Wakefulness in a Novel Environment, The Journal of Neuroscience, 27 October 2010, 30(43): 14543-14551</ref>
==dorsal ACC==