→Imaginary Mental Objects
For instance, when the ancient looked upward and saw the sun travels through the skies, the where puzzled. The knew that every object that is traveling need something to pull or to thrust it, yet the sun seems to move without a mover. To solve it, they invented a "story" or a mental object that was missing. They told their hearers that the sun is pulled by invisible horses. The invisible horses where their iMO that bridged the gap.
We use iMOs more then we recognize naturally. All our theories and especially the scientific theories are built of networks of iMOs. We only seldom see directly our iMOs. For instance iMO:atoms was [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_theory#Early_modern_development talked about for more then 200 years in the modern science]. yet Yet not until recently people observed did not observe atoms. And even today when we "see" atoms it is through very complicated theories constucted into the scientific observation tools. We cannot observe atoms directly,and therefore atoms will stay iMOs. People who do not engage epistemology are not awere of the extant of our usage of iMOs. Hume was probably the first thinker that showed the we take for granted things we do not see. He demonstrated in his book ''An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding''<ref>Hume D. (1748) An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding</ref>, that cause and effect are not to be observed directly, yet people use them as though they are real enteties.''God'' is and iMO, and also ''The force of gravity", and even the ''state'' is an iMO (Have any of you ever seen a ''state''?
==Other Asspects of Epistemology==