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<p style="font-size: 125%; line-height: 1.3">Theories of Knowledge, Psycology, Deliberation and Goverment</p>
Deliberation is a method of thinking on problems togthertogether, and finding solutions that will be optimal for everybody that participates in the process. Deliberation is a very old practice, used by groups of governing bodies, to settle contridicting contradicting needs and desires, in a peaceful way. When deliberation failed, tension between among the group is intensify, and may cause eroption eruption of violance violence if not tended in time, or restrianed restrained by stonger stronger power in the political system.
This wiki is designed to be the base for a coherent paradigm for deliberative Democracy. It will be home for different asspects of deliberative society, ranging from [[epistemology]], individual [[psychology]], [[education]], individual growth, and to the understanding of [[groups dynamics]], [[deliberation]], [[Goverment]] and international relationships.