System 1
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Rolls et al. describe the areas in which explicit (? [[system 2]]) and implicit (?system-1) decision making is done<ref>[http://www.oxcns.org/papers/495_Grabenhorst%20and%20Rolls%202011%20Value,%20pleasure,%20and%20choice%20in%20the%20ventral%20prefrontal%20cortex%20TICS.pdf Value, pleasure and choice in the ventral prefrontal cortex. Fabian Grabenhorst, Edmund T Rolls (2011) Trends in cognitive sciences 15 (2) p. 56-67]([http://www.talyaron.com/wiki/index.php?title=%D7%9E%D7%90%D7%9E%D7%A8:_Value,_pleasure_and_choice_in_the_ventral_prefrontal_cortex_-_2011 summery])</ref>. System-1 is handeld by the basal ganglia, and system-2 is handeld by the PFC<ref>Rolls, E.T. and Grabenhorst, F. (2008) The orbitofrontal cortex and beyond: from affect to decision-making. Prog. Neurobiol. 86, 216–244</ref><ref>Rolls, E.T. (2005) Emotion Explained, Oxford University Press</ref><ref>Balleine, B.W. and O’Doherty, J.P. (2010) Human and rodent homologies in action control: corticostriatal determinants of goaldirected and habitual action. Neuropsychopharmacology 35, 48–69</ref>.
it seems that [[intuition]] is based on [[system 1]]
==Characteristics of System 1==