Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,24, 482-95.</ref><ref>Mendelberg, T. (2002). The deliberative citizen: Theory and evidence.
Political Decisionmaking, Deliberation and Participation, 6, 151-193. (Overview)</ref>
==Groups Interactions==
[[Gastil and Black framework]] gives four aspects of socilogy of deliberation:
#All participants should have equal and adequate speaking opportunities.
#All participants should attempt to comprehend one another’s views.
#All participants should make efforts to fully consider each other’s input.
#All participants should demonstrate respect for each other.
Researc show that virtuals teams need to estavlish relational variables early in their formation in FtF meetings<ref>Poole, M. S., & Zhang, H. (2005). Virtual teams. The Handbook of Group Research and Practice, 363–385.</ref>
==Settings that Effects Deliberation==