Evidence for and against the hypotheses that political conservatism is significantly associated with:
* mental rigidity and closed-mindedness- The most contributng factor is mental rigidty<ref>Adorno et al., 1950, in [http://www.sulloway.org/PoliticalConservatism(2003).pdf Jost 2003]</ref><ref>Rokeach, 1960 [http://www.sulloway.org/PoliticalConservatism(2003).pdf Jost 2003]</ref><ref>Wilson 1973c [http://www.sulloway.org/PoliticalConservatism(2003).pdf Jost 2003]</ref><ref>Christie1954 [http://www.sulloway.org/PoliticalConservatism(2003).pdf Jost 2003]</ref>**increased dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity: '''Dogmatism''': The right wingers are much more mentaly rigid (dogmatice) the left-wing extremists, according to the reserch in the field.
** decreased cognitive complexity
** decreased openness to experience
* threat to the stability ofthe social system
Finished in p. 352 first chapter.