→Group intelligence
==Group intelligence==
A way to measure group intelligence<ref>[http://www.sebbm.es/archivos_tinymce/woolley2010.pdf Woolley, Anita Williams, et al. "Evidence for a collective intelligence factor in the performance of human groups." science 330.6004 (2010): 686-688].</ref>
==Wisdom of thr Multitiude and Deliberation==
Deliberative democracy is based on the normative assumption that public, plural discussions offer a superior form of collective decision making. In contrast with other forms of political participation like voting, which consists on the aggregation of choices that individuals make privately, deliberation is based on social interactions between heterogeneous individuals that are able to revise their
preferences in the light of the arguments defended by others. According to the literature, by revealing private information deliberation is able to overcome the impact of bounded rationality, and to build consensus and improve the intellectual qualities of the discussants<ref>Elster, J. (1998). Deliberative Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.(p.11)</ref>