|Conservatism||style = "background-color:green;"|'''Reciprocity''':only hard work will bring resources. everybody should work and not cheat on the group||style = "background-color:green;"|if the people are not subordinate, or there is a reason for the king to punish, then it is OK to heart some||style = "background-color:green;"|Liberty under the group, that protect us, but fight a government that take taxes to support the weak (the leaches)||style = "background-color:green;"|Sexual arrousal cause people to look for diversity and many partners. This will cause the trust of the family to break and the group to break. people with a lot of desires can not control his desires and will take more resources from the group.
===Media influance on Conservatives, Liberas and Moderates===
Zaller’s (1992)<ref>Zaller, J. R. (1992). The nature and origins of mass opinion. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.</ref> reason-accept-sample model of public opinion hypothesizes that politi- cally knowledgeable individuals who have a liberal or conservative ideological bias can effectively filter out messages contrary to their ideology. Moderates and persons lacking political expertise fail to apply such filters and develop views representative of the larger media diet they consume.