
The problem of coordination

From Deliberative Democracy Institiute Wiki


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As the number of group members grows, the number of connection lines is being enhanced quadratically

As the number of members in a group grows, the number of connections between the members will get higher quadratically. This is causing the slowing down of coordination. If the group will use peer-to-peer equal terms deliberation, the amount of communication time will get bigger quadratically, thus sending the group to a halt. To solve this, groups usually use unequal methods of deliberation and influence, like hierarchical organization.

The mathematical formula for the number of connection lines in a group is:


cl = connection lines; n = number of group members

In large numbers we can round up the equation to:


Thus, a group of:

  • 2 members will have 1 cl
  • 3 members will have 3 cl
  • 4 members will have 6 cl
  • 6 members will have 15 cl
  • 10 members will have 45 cl
  • 15 members will have 105 cl
  • 100 members will have 4950 cl
  • 300 million members will have 45,000,000,000,000,000 cl (This is the connection lines needed for true democracy in the USA)

One of the consequences of this proble is participation function.

See Also
