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In order to resolve an emotional conflict the rostal[[ACC]] inhibits the [[amygdala ]] (or [[FFFF]] mechanism)<ref>[ Amit Etkin, Tobias Egner, Daniel M. Peraza, Eric R. Kandel and Joy Hirsch, Resolving Emotional Conflict: A Role for the Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Modulating Activity in the Amygdala, Neuron 51, 1–12, September 7, 2006]</ref>. This is strengthing by the findings that in panic disorder, the volume of the the ACC is reduced, <ref>[ Takeshi et al., Anterior cingulate cortex volume reduction in patients with panic disorder, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 62: 322–330]</ref> . When the ACC (ACcd) has deficient in activation, there seem to be more impolsivity in ADHD compered to control group<ref>[ low ACcd activity and ADHD impulsivity, 1999]</ref>. When anticipating pain, women domnstrate more activation of the ACC<ref>[;jsessionid=fBlS5IiTyyjXq46t6m68.12 Gender difrences in ACC before pain, 2005]</ref>.
[[Conservatives and Liberals|Liberals]] have higher [[ACC]] gray volume<ref>Kanai R, Feilden T, Firth C, Rees G (2011) Political orientations are correlated with brain structure in young adults. Curr Biol 21: 677–680.</ref>. ACC is connected to conflict resultion (rACC to social conflict and dACC to non-social conflict). Reward valence modulates conflict-driven attentional adaptation in the ACC<ref>[ van Steenbergen, Guido P.H. Band and Bernhard Hommel, Reward valence modulates conflict-driven attentional adaptation: Electrophysiological evidence, 2012]</ref>