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Conservatives and Liberals

445 bytes added, 08:12, 19 September 2012
The causes in the light of brain research
Also, when in danger, seeking for new experience is not adaptive. While in danger, we have to decide fast, and try to decide according to our already established knowledge, which actions to take. Therefore, people who perceive the world as more dangerous, will seek certainty, and will try to avoid the ambiguity that came along with new experience.
# The mechanism - Its understanding is still lacking.
# According to the mechanism
## Anxiety - rACC hyperactive and thus inhibit action. actions will be made only if it is vary safe (in the OPC). This will lead to need for very safe root to advance. No new information will be gained (no AD -[[REP]]), thus lack of learning, or need to expreince new knowledge. To achieve activity, need for anger...## Aggressiveness and impulsivity - rACC hypoactive thus create short term, premature activation, no calculative actions. There is lack of ability to learn in the social sphere, thus a need for simple theories in social experience. In this case a leader with firm and simple solutions, will be thought to direct the goals effectively.## During long actions, as people get to acknowledge that long efforts are rewarding, there is no learning. If people will be stresses and will not let themselves a rest after each action, they will miss the learning phase. causing conservatism. It will happen to people that are stressed to work hard. Again, for work to be effective, the work should be done on safe and established grounds.## Liberalism may be caused by dACC hypo-activity causing implosive actions on rational decisions. On the "rational" thinking there may be lack of learning, but the premature actions will cause novelty seeking on social interactions, and learning? ## Liberals, may have need for over estimation of their abilities, in order to make an effort.
# Meaning - balance between rewards and inhibition, and learning and Long-Term learning (DA).
## achieve this balance, to promote learning. [[RPE]] without stress will promote learning (Making an error, with appraisal, instead of negative feedback will encourage further learning. Yet, with pledge to achive goals, and not just "experience" thus promoting Decadence)