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Conservatives and Liberals

720 bytes added, 09:56, 13 September 2012
The causes in the light of brain research
# The mechanism
# According to the mechanism
## Anxiety - rACC hyperactive and thus inhibit action. actions will be made only if it is vary safe (in the OPC).## Aggresivnes Aggressiveness and impulsivity - rACC hypoactive thus create short term, premature activation, no calculative actions. There is lack of ability to learn in the social spharesphere. In this case a leader with firm and simple solutions, will be thought to direct the goals effectively.## During long actions, as people get to acknowledge that long efforts are rewarding, there is no learning. If people will be stresses and will not let themselves a rest after each action, they will miss the learning phase. causing conservatism. It will happen to people that are stressed to work hard.## Liberalism may be caused by dACC hypo-activity causing implosive actions on rational decisions.On the "rational" thinking there may be lack of learning, but the premature actions will cause novelty seeking on social interactions, and learning?
## explanation of doing and conservatism according to these findings.