==PFC vs FFFF==
One of the main effectors on decision making is a cognitive mechanism that work when a threat is perceived. This reaction which is named Fight or Flight<ref>Cannon WB, 1932, The wisdom of the body, New York, Norton</ref>, or in it's current name [[PFCFFFF|Freeze, Flight, Fight or Fright]] <ref>[[FFFF]http://psy.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/45/5/448 S. Bracha at al, 2004, Does "Fight or Flight" Need Updating?, Psychosomatics 45:448-449, October]</ref>. seems to influence decisions.
For many of those who attempted to reach an agreement between liberals and conservatives on wide variety of issues, it seems that the gaps in understanding the situation between the parties is very hard to negotiate. The misunderstanding sometimes become an emotional issue, which result the raising of a wall of contempt that blocks any further path to mutual understanding. Thus, understanding the differences between liberals and conservatives and the grounds for the schism, may help find devising deliberative process which will support a better mutual understanding and even agreed decisions.