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99 bytes added, 05:28, 21 March 2016
Overall, reaction was positive. The participants and the wider public generally showed a high satisfaction with the decisions made by the deliberating mini-public. {{Quote|text=According to a posttest survey, “participants felt like they had sufficient opportunities to express their opinions and that they could participate without restraints.” Over 90% felt that other participants had been sincerely interested in their opinions, and 75% felt that they had been treated with great respect. More than 75% “felt that good decisions were made at the G1000.” These results suggest a high level of satisfaction in the quality of the deliberations. [http://participedia.|author=Participedia |source=Reference }}net/de/cases/g1000-belgium]
Unfortunately, later surveys showed low satisfaction with the final results. The Citizens’ Panel successfully formulated their policy paper, yet most of the politicians regarded the recommendations with skepticism and there was no commitment to implementing any of the suggestions. Ultimately, there was disappointment among the participants due to the lack of implementation.