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Loss aversion

201 bytes added, 07:19, 9 February 2016
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For most of the people, pain will cause more repalsion then plesure will cause attraction. This is due to the hazardous nature of pain. This may be the neuronal mechanism behind [[loss aversion]].
It is positive corrolated to culture, where there are heigher individualism, power distance, and masculinity (mostly [[conservatism]]). Some Relagions seems to be also positive corolated to loss aversion, while macroeconomic is less corrolated<ref>[ Wang, Mei, Marc Oliver Rieger, and Thorsten Hens. "The Impact of Culture on Loss Aversion." Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (2016).]</ref>. Musilmes may have higher loss aversion<ref>[ Cultural Differences in Risk Tolerance (2013) Christoph S. Weber]</ref>.