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Learning and deliberation
make them more autonomous<ref>La Due Lake, R. and Huckfeldt, R. (1998). Social Capital, Social Networks, and Political Participation, Political Psychology 19(3): 567–584.</ref><ref>Paxton, P. (1999). Is Social Capital Declining in the United States? A Multiple
Indicator Assessment, American Journal of Sociology 105(1): 88–127.</ref><ref>Putnam, R.D. (2000). Bowling Alone. The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.</ref><ref>Verba, S., Schlozman, K.L. and Brady, H.E. (1995). Voice and Equality: Civic voluntarism in American politics, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.</ref><ref>Zuckerman, A.S. (ed.) (2005). The Social Logic of Politics: Personal networks as contexts for political behavior, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.</ref>.
==Learning at School==
[[meaningful learning]]
==Socratic dialoge==