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Conservatives and Liberals

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Environmental Causes for Conservatism and Liberalism
It seems that that r and k strategies, also apply to breeding patterns in humane societies. Liberal societies where there are plenty of resources and life are safe tend to sustain a lower birth ratio compared to conservative societies, in which poverty is prevailing and life are less protected.
While r and k selection is well documented strategies for birth, I'll suggest that conservatism and liberalism are two strategies for group behavior in the face of dangerous or safe environment: conservatism . One of the reason that help me suggest such hypothesis is a strategy fit research done by Jonathan Haidt. Haidt found that conservatives and liberals have different attitudes towards six values. The values are loyalty, respect for danger authority, fairness, sexuality, defend from harm and liberty. Liberals tend to value loyalty and limited resources authority less then conservatives. Liberals tend to have a less strict need for controlling the sexuality. Conservatives tend to legitimize punishment of insubordinate individuals and groups, while liberalism is used liberals tend to defend the unorthodox. Conservatives see fairness as a reward for safe surroundings an investment, while liberals tend to share more resources and abundance distribute them more evenly, regardless of resourcesone's investment. And of course, liberals tend to value liberty in the face of society more then conservatives does.
Conservatism and liberalism it seems to have the properties of r and k selection. Jonathan Haidt found the conservatives and liberals differ that such difrences in evaluation of six values. The values are loyalty, respect for authority, fairness, sexuality, defend from harm and liberty. Liberals tend to value loyalty and authority less then conservatives. Liberals tend to have a less strict need for controlling the sexuality of women. Conservatives tend to legitimize punishment of insubordinate individuals and groupsattitude, while liberals tend to defend the unorthodox. Conservatives see fairness as may help a reward for an investment, while liberals tend to share more resources and distribute them more evenly, regardless of one's investment. And of course, liberals tend to value liberty in the face of society more then conservatives does.  I suggest that these values relate to environmental situations I mentioned earlier. So the need for discipline, to subject to the group and obedience to authority, is required to allow the group adapt itself to organize change in the face of external dangeran environment.  The conservative value of in which fairness is based on reciprocity and that getting resources correlated hard work is needed for one to the investment you put inearn his living, stems from the need to can help encourage people to work hard in an environment where resources are scarce. On the other hand, in a state of abundance, where there is plenty to go around, there is no need to work hard to obtain resources. In this case people can share more resources, and avoid conflicts.
==high levels proposed causes of liberalism and conservatism==