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Online Forum settings
====Online Forum settings====
Online political and discussion spaces design choices can powerfully influence the nature of its users’ engagement<ref>Coleman S, Gøtze J (2001) Bowling Together: Online Public Engagement in Policy Deliberation.London: Hansard Society.</ref><ref>Sack W (2005) Discourse architecture and very large-scale conversation. In: Latham R, Sassen S (eds) Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 242–82.</ref><ref>Suler J (2004) The online disinhibition effect. CyberPsychology & Behavior7(3): 321–6.</ref><ref>Wright S, Street J (2007) Democracy, deliberation and design: The case of online discussion forums. New Media & Society 9(5): 849–69.</ref><ref>Liang, H. (2014). The Organizational Principles of Online Political Discussion: A Relational Event Stream Model for Analysis of Web Forum Deliberation. Human Communication Research.</ref>.