→Bachtiger 2009
*** sophisticated justification (broad) where at least two complete justifications are given.
*** sophisticated justification (in depth) when at least one justification is explored in-depth, i.e., a problem is examined in a quasi-scientific way from various viewpoints.
** ''Common Good Orientation'': The importance of referring to the common good is mainly stressed by deliberative theorists drawing on Rawls.
*** whether arguments are cast in terms of narrow group or constituency interests.
*** whether there is neutral reference or mixed reference (i.e., reference to both narrow group interest and common good).
*** whether there is a reference to the common good. With regard to the common good, we focus both on the common good stated in utilitarian terms, i.e. as the best solution for the greatest number of people
*** the common good expressed through the difference principle, i.e. the common good is served when the least advantaged in a society are helped (Rawls 1971).
** Respect and Agreement