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Difficulties in Management
Managers are evaluated by other members of the group, and especialy by higher ranck managers, to their [[able people|ability to "make things happen"]]. Because managers are promoted by their precived ability they may tend to show-off their abilities in extravagnat ways. It was shown that narcissists tend to become leaders and are perceived as leaders, by other members of the group<ref>[ Brunell, Amy B., et al. "Leader emergence: The case of the narcissistic leader." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34.12 (2008): 1663-1676.]‏</ref>.Narcissists are overconfident and less empathic then ordinary people. It was found by some research (that I couldn't find) that overconfident are more likely to get hired then less confident managers, and this causes the bias toward overconfident managers.
Narcissism seem to be caused by threatened egotism, which depicts aggression as a means of defending a highly favorable view of self against someone who seeks to undermine or discredit that view<ref> [ Baumeister, Roy F., Brad J. Bushman, and W. Keith Campbell. "Self-Esteem, Narcissism, and Aggression Does Violence Result From Low Self-Esteem or From Threatened Egotism?." Current directions in psychological science 9.1 (2000): 26-29.]‏</ref>. Although the research on narcissism seems to be lacking, from my experience, narcissism seems to be caused by high level of euphoria which are caused by overdose of dopamine, and from low self-esteem, which need to be guarded. This may be the reason that most of the managers I met with were most sensitive to criticism.
They will try to look important, and very-busy. They will connect to the higher rancks managment, and they will show that they have good connections to higher powers in the organization. They will use exclusive knowledge, as an advantage to manipulate the system to their needs, while preventing from non-colation mambers this knowledge. They will use this knowledge as a resource in exchange to other benefits.