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Decision making

536 bytes added, 01:16, 21 April 2013
Brain process involving decision making: brake and finding solutuions
When in stress, the [[FFFF]] system is put action. It seems that it inhibit ACC activation, thus, closing the actvation of [[system 2]], and probably closing also jeneral empathy. The FFFF system may open a process to strength "famely" relations to strength group cohesion.
===Finding answers to comlex questions during a brake===
Suggesting: '''Neural redirection''' is done while the brain is "rest". When we try to solve problems we try to go along familiar paths, but when we give the brain a rest, he finds alternative paths which are more minimum-energy (more efficient or more suitable). He basically finds solutions to complex answers during a break. What is the mechanism of redirection, I do not know yet.
The best brakes are good overnight sleep and early in the morning when we are awake in bed.
==Decision Making Settings==