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Decision making

280 bytes added, 01:56, 16 September 2012
Other subjects of decision making
[ Mere-exposure effect] - people will prefer objects they were more exposed to, but to a some degree. If the object was disliked in the first place, it will be more disliked. The effect is limited in duration, after 20 exposures, the effect diminish. When people were presnted with comercial to a drink with happy faces in mere exposer effect, they preferd it, over the same drink, without smiling object. This strenght the concept that people may decide in acordance to their feelings and not on a rational base.
==Further readings==
* [ A power point presentation] about the role of [[mPFC]] and [[OPC]] in decision making from 2006. OPC is value based decision making, and mPFC is involved in options selection.