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Neuropsychology elements in decision making

2 bytes added, 16:58, 4 February 2019
Facilitating Deliberation in FFFF situations
===Facilitating Deliberation in FFFF situations===
To enable deliberation, therefore I'll suggest two main root routes should be taken. One is elevating the level of trust between groups, and the other is to make deliberation more time-efficient. The threat perception should be reduced, by creating games and interactions that make the participant know more of each other, and trust each other. One example, I have heard of was a of a facilitator that worked with Israeli and Arab youth. Both team didn't trust each other. To elevate trust, the facilitator ordered the youngsters, to help him carry wooden logs from one side of the camp to the other. To complete the mission, both groups needed to work together. This mission, the facilitator testified, helped bring the groups together and the deliberation improved afterward.
By making deliberation more efficient, people with FFFF mode, will feel that the decisions are less time consuming and produce decisions that help the group act in a unify way, and with more strength (something FFFF decision making mechanism, prefer).