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116 bytes added, 06:21, 21 March 2016
For the first stage - deciding the agenda - the G1000 organizers turned to the general public in an online survey to choose issues.
After the first stage of deciding the agendawas decided, the organizers began the recruitment process to gather participants for the Group Dynamic. The plan called for 1000 participants to gather around 30 tables for deliberation on the three chosen issues. The organizers realized that the deliberation's legitimacy could be based either on the principle of diversity or of the quality of representation. The G1000 team decided that diversity, as opposed to representativeness, would be the central principle behind the recruitment process. The way to achieve this diversity was through randomization. Random Digit Dialing was used to reach out to the potential participants (with a penetration rate of 99% of the populace). The random recruitment was checked versus demographic quotas was found to be quite reflective of the general Belgian public with regards to age and gender quotas. In addition, the organizers allotted 10% of the recruitment for targeted recruitment of difficult to reach groups (such as the homeless, or immigrants).
In the end, they succeeded in gathering a group of participants that was both diverse as well as representative of the demographic quotas found in the general populace. (There was one planned exception to this representativeness: although the general Belgian populace consists of about 60% Dutch speakers and 40% French speakers, participation in the G1000 was split evenly between the two language groups.