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Conservatives and Liberals

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Conservatism and Liberalism is a wide phenomena which presnt itslef in very divers areas [[File:Lib-con summery.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Overview of social life. It is well knowen that there are some who behave in a conservative way, and some in liberal way. Although it is well knowen phenomena, it was hard to charctrized precisly the properties theory of liberals and conservatives, and it is stil not very well established, what are the causes of liberalism and conservatism.liberals]]
In this papae I will make an effort to give a coherent view of the cartrization of the lib-con phenomena, and will try to give also a coherent mechnism for the causes of lib-con, based on recent years research in psychology and neurocognitive.
Jazvic said (look at Kahnman p. 67)that new experience is danger, and therefore, human an animals will avoid new exprience: [ mere-exprience effect]. (especially if FFFF is working....)
===The question===
Deliberate democracy aims at involving all the citizens in rational-communication which will help them make decisions according to reliable information which that was produced in the intersubjective experience. While in the deliberation process we hope that people will change their minds according corroborated and reliable theories and evidences that stood the test of critical thinking, and will chose together the most suitable solution. Yet we know that large proportion of the population is conservativein mind, and according to research tend to resists change in world view, even in light of new information. This conflict between large scale participation and the resistance to change by substantial portion of the population is a challenge deliberative democracy developers need to address. I suggest that if we will understand the mechanisms of resistance to change in the neurocognitive, psychological and social levels, we will be able to create better deliberation settings which will advance change of mind. In this paper I will focus on the neurocognitive mechanisms of rigidity of mind, and according to them I will suggest some basic deliberative settings which will promote more flexible thinking by participants of the deliberation process. In a following paper I will suggest how social settings and psychological settings may create more Rome to change of mind. Conservatism is a social and psychological phenomena that is part of society. In every culture there are large proportion of people who resist changes in society. The proportion of conservatism in society may change according to many factors. Conservatism level may differ among cultures, and in the same culture in different times. Yet even in societies that are thought to be more liberal and in time the liberalism dominates the culture, conservatism, is strong and influential. From the early 50s, the causes of conservatism was the scope of wide research. Jost et al<ref>Jost et al. 2003...</ref> has done extensive literature review and summed the findings from 88 samples, involving a near of 23,000 participants from 12 countries. They have found that conservatism is correlated to several factors related to cognitive needs, and to existential motivation. They found that conservatism is associate with mental rigidty, increased dogmatism and intolarance to ambiguty, decress in cognitive complexity, decreased openness to new experience, uncertainty avoidance, personal need for structure and order and a need for closure. In the existential needs, low self esteem may promote resistance to change. Fear anger and anxiety, fear of death, hard economic periods and the instability ofthe economic system were all found to promote conservatism. (explain what these correlations are caused by fear and managing uncertainty)Jost et al speculated that in the core of these behaviors lie a basic need to mange fear and uncertainty.amibguty....  (Fear and need for certainty, fits brain research.... and show how it fits)  explain mechanism (FFFF -{ACCi -> mostly system1; X(need to do work)-{ACCi -> mainly system1; FFFF-> seratonin->solidarity; ACCa -> search for novelity (some reward) complex mechanism: areas of lib/con..... illiberals..... OK, we established theortical frame.
I suggest that if we will understand Now lets give some demonstrations. aspaicialy let the mechanisms of resistance to change on the neurocognitive, psychological and social levels, we will be able to create better deliberation settings which will advance change of mindredears connect... In this paper I will focus on the neurocognitive mechanisms of rigidity of mind, and according to them I will suggest some basic deliberative settings which will promote more flexible thinking by participants of the deliberation process.
Conservatism is a social What can we do?If FFFF and psychological phenomena that is part Certainty are the cause of societycon, then by changing them, we can start change the settings, so we can reduce ACC inhibition. In every culture there When people get familier, they are large proportion less stressed--> reduction of people who resist changes in, basic needs satisified... The proportion of conservatism in society may change according ; certainty: I prime them by saing, we do not have to many factorsdecide now, or it will not influance the future, and different societies in different times are tendencies into conservatism or liberalismwe do not have to solve anything.... The level of openness to change or rejection of change may have different proportion and magnitude of inclinationtruth talk (avoid uncritical type II discusion), in different culturesgive yourself time... Yet even in societies that are thought to be more liberal, conservatism, is strong and influential.
From the early 50s, the causes of conservatism was the scope of wide research. Jost et al<ref>Jost et al. 2003...</ref> has done extensive literature review and summed the findings from 88 samples, involving a near of 23,000 participants from 12 countries. They have found that conservatism is correlated to several factors related to cognitive needs, and several factors related to existential motivation. They found that mental rigidity and closed-mindedness is the most contributng factor to conservatism<ref>Adorno et al., 1950, in [ Jost 2003]</ref><ref>Rokeach, 1960 [ Jost 2003]</ref><ref>Wilson 1973c [ Jost 2003]</ref><ref>Christie
1954 [ Jost 2003]</ref>. Research on cognitive sophistication and integrative complexity provides the soundest basis for evaluating claims linking epistemic motivation to political ideology<ref>(e.g., Gruenfeld, 1995;
Sidanius, 1985, 1988; Tetlock, 1983, 1984) in [ Jost 2003]</ref>. Recent work on personal need for structure<ref>Schaller et al., 1995, in Jost2003</ref> and the need for cognitive closure<ref>D. M. Webster & Kruglanski, 1994 in Jost2003</ref> helps to establish the link.
==Letriture review==