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Conservatives and Liberals

451 bytes added, 04:09, 29 August 2012
The question
I suggest that if we will understand the mechanisms of resistance to change on the neurocognitive, psychological and social levels, we will be able to create better deliberation settings which will advance change of mind. In this paper I will focus on the neurocognitive mechanisms of rigidity of mind, and according to them I will suggest some basic deliberative settings which will promote more flexible thinking by participants of the deliberation process.
Conservatism is a social and psychological phenomena that was researched since the 50'sis part of society. It was found In every culture there are large proportion of people who resist changes in society. The proportion of conservatism in society may change according to many factors, and different societies in different times are tendencies into conservatism or liberalism. The level of openness to change or rejection of change may have different proportion and magnitude of inclination, in different cultures. Yet even in societies that are thought to be connected tomore liberal, conservatism, is strong and influential.
==Letriture review==