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Conservatives and Liberals

23 bytes added, 00:12, 28 August 2012
**increased dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity - The right wingers are much more mentaly rigid (dogmatice) the left-wing extremists <ref>Barker, E. N. (1963). Authoritarianism of the political right, center, and left. Journal of Social Issues, 19, 63—74.</ref>, according to the reserch in the field<ref>Altemeyer (1981, 1998) in Jost2003</ref><ref>Billig (1984) in Jost 2003</ref><ref>s (Barker, 1963; Christie, 1991; Elms, 1969; Pettigrew, 1958; Rokeach, 1960; Smithers & Lobley, 1978; Stacey & Green, 1971) in [ Jost 2003]</ref>. Right wingers, Modrate and extrem, are much more intolrate to ambiguty<ref>See Jost 2003, p. 353</ref>.
** decreased cognitive complexity - Left-wingers have more cognitive complexity the right-wingers. Modrates in both wings, have more complexity then extrimists<ref>[ Jost 2003] p. 353</ref>, but these results are not conclusive. Sidanius 1984/8 found that extremists from both sides are more engaged in political information search and conversation. but over-all conservatism is more related to lower cognitive complexity; r=-.2 p<0.0001
** decreased openness to experience , in nonhuman experience. r=-.32 p<0.001 (Jost et al. 2003). Joe et al., found that cons. like to participate in decision making and humor experiments.
** uncertainty avoidance: r=.34 p<0.0001 to conservatism (Jost et al. 2003)
** personal needs for order and structure