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Haidt Moral Foundations Theory

23 bytes added, 02:32, 15 October 2014
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|Conservatism||style = "background-color:green;"|'''Reciprocity''':only hard work will bring resources. everybody should work and not cheat on the group||style = "background-color:green;"|if the people are not subordinate, or there is a reason for the king to punish, then it is OK to heart some||style = "background-color:green;"|Liberty under the group, that protect us, but fight a government that take taxes to support the weak (the leaches)||style = "background-color:green;"|Sexual arrousal cause people to look for diversity and many partners. This will cause the trust of the family to break and the group to break. people with a lot of desires can not control his desires and will take more resources from the group.
[[category: lib-con]]