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Conservatives and Liberals

36 bytes added, 03:45, 14 October 2014
Environmental Causes for Conservatism and Liberalism
Conservatism and liberalism as reactions to environmental states.
Based on [[Haidt finding Moral Foundations Theory|Haidt findings]] I suggest that liberalism and conservatism are reactions to environmental state. Haidt found that liberal and conservatives differ in their attitude toward six typical values. I'll suggest that these differences of attitude may stem reactions to different environmental situations. Liberalism may stem from a reaction to safe and abundant environment while conservatism may be a reaction to dangerous environment which is scarce of resources.
The idea that creatures tend to react with different strategies to different environmental situations is not new. In ecology it is known that in organisms react to a harsh or safe environment with two different strategies of breeding: one is the r selection and the other is k selection. R selection is a strategy suited for an environment which is dangerous and has scarce resources. In this strategy, creatures tend to give birth to many offsprings and they tend to give them minimal resources in their nurture. In such way, some of the offsprings may survive the harsh conditions and the dangers. But when the environment is safer and there are more resources, creatures tend to have less offsprings and they tend to give each of them much more care and resources while nurturing them.