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Conservatives and Liberals

434 bytes added, 03:34, 28 September 2014
Causes of conservatism
Jost et al, did a very large survey on research about conservatism. They have found two main causes for conservatism. One is a reaction to a state of fear, and the other is a reaction to a need to do work in limited time<ref>[ Jost, J., Glaser, J., Kruglanski, A., & Sulloway, F. J. (2003). Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition. Psychological Bulletin, 129(3), 339–375.]</ref>. The idea that threat is causing people to bevcome more conservatives was further corroborated by an experiment that showed that under fear conditions, liberal students judge like conservative students<ref>[ Nail, P. R., McGregor, I., Drinkwater, A. E., Steele, G. M., & Thompson, A. W. (2009). Threat causes liberals to think like conservatives. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45(4), 901–907. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2009.04.013]</ref>.
Conservatives are more easily disgusted than liberals<ref>[ Inbar, Y., Pizarro, D. A., & Bloom, P. (2009). Conservatives are more easily disgusted than liberals. Cognition and Emotion, 23(4), 714-725.]</ref>. People with anxiety tend to make more conservative decisions and use vocabulary with more negative words<ref>Peng, J., Xiao, W., Yang, Y., Wu, S., & Miao, D. (2013). The Impact of Trait Anxiety on Self-frame and Decision Making. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making</ref>. People that where exposed to priming of uncleanlesnes become more conservatives<ref>Helzer, E. G., & Pizarro, D. A. (2011). Dirty liberals! Reminders of physical cleanliness influence moral and political attitudes. Psychological Science, 22(4), 517–522.</ref><ref>Eskine, K. J., Kacinik, N. A., & Prinz, J. J. (2011). A Bad Taste in the Mouth Gustatory Disgust Influences Moral Judgment. Psychological Science, 22(3), 295–299.</ref>
priming of cleanses make people more conservatives<ref>[ Helzer, E. G., & Pizarro, D. A. (2011). Dirty liberals!: Reminders of physical cleanliness influence moral and political attitudes. Psychological Science, 22, 517-522.]</ref>