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National Issues Forum

29 bytes added, 06:57, 11 July 2014
NIF Process (Idit Manosevich version)
'''4)''' This curiosity creates motivation for listening to the experts which introduce the different [[option|options]] to the audience. If the experts explain the subject and the options clearly, the [[SON]] increase and the [[option|options]] will be more clear to most participants.
'''5)''' After the introduction, the participants go to predestined groups. The distribution is set to increase heterogeneity. In the ways way to the groupmeeting, people tend to naturally gather in small groups of 2-4 members, and will try to discuss and understand the options and the subject more clearly. I think it is not an intended outcome, yet it help increase the [[SON]]. This is a byproductmini-break, also help participants to recover from [[self control|ego Deplition]].
This mini-break'''6)''' The deliberation will start in groups of about 10 members. The facilitator will ask the group members to explore the subject, also help participants and the different options. She will ask for the participant to recover from [[self controlstory telling|ego deplitiontell stories]]they heard or witnessed relating the subject of deliberation. The discussion will be spontaneous, as to generate a more flowing and priming-drive discussion, which will help participants to converge their ideas.
'''6)''' The deliberation will start in groups of about 10 heterogeneous members. The facilitator will ask the group members to explore the subject, and the different options. She will ask for the participant to [[story telling|tell stories]] they heard or witnessed relating the subject of deliberation. The discussion will be spontaneous, as to generate a more flowing and priming-drive discussion, which will help participants to converge their ideas. '''7)''' The facilitator will then ask the participants to discuss the [[value|values]] of each [[option]] and to try to decide if it is good or bad. Through a primed discussion, participants are getting in to more converged ideas about the different options.
'''8)''' At the end of deliberation the participants will be asked to [[select]] one of the options. The voting will help to see the attitude of the participants toward the options, and also, when compared to the survey on step 2, to establish the influence of the deliberation.