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National Issues Forum

1,276 bytes added, 15:14, 10 July 2014
NIF Process
[[File:National issues forum process.jpg|600px|center]]
'''1)''' NIF is desigen designed for large masses [[FtF|face-to-face]] [[deliberation]], therfore it is hard to create large diversity of [[option|options]]. To overcome this obsitcaleobstacle, experts are preparing 2-4 options before the start of the deliberation process. The NIF manual does not describe how the deliberation of the expert are experts is done.
'''2)''' Participent recive Participants receive the booklet that the experts preperd prepared and. they may be curious (question mark) about the meeting, and may read it, in order to prepare themselves for the event. I am not sure how many read red the booklet and preper prepare themselves. From what I have seen, most don't read it. Participent Participants that read the booklet may enalarge enlarge their [[SON]] on the subject. In this phase, a survy may be taken to check the current [[select|preferences]] of the participants. This survey will be compared to a survey that will be taken at the end of the deliberation and it will be used to measure the effect of the deliberation on the participants.
'''3)''' After intial intoduction initial introduction that explain the importance of the subject in hand, a short movie inteoduce introduce the subject in bitsound bit-sound fashion. This The movie, if done properly, puzle puzzles the participent participants and elvate elevate their [[curiosity]].
'''4)''' This curiosty is create curiosity creates motivation for listening to the experts that which introduce the diffrent different [[option|options]] to the audianceaudience. If the experts explained clearly explained the subject and the options, The [[SON]] increase and the [[option|options]] will be more clear to most participents/ participants.
'''5)''' After the intoductionintroduction, the participents participants go to predesteind predestined groups. The destribiotion distribution is set to increase hetrogeneityheterogeneity. In the ways to the group, people tend to naturly naturally gather in small groups of 2-4 members, and will try to discuss and understand the options and the subject more clearly. This is a by productbyproduct.
This mini-break, also help paticipent participants to recover from [[self control|ego deplition]].
'''6)'''The deliberation will start in groups of about 10 heterogeneous members. The facilitator will ask the group members to explore the subject, and the different options. She will ask for the participant to [[story telling|tell stories]] they heard or witnessed relating the subject of deliberation. The discussion will be spontaneous, as to generate a more flowing and priming-drive discussion, which will help participants to converge their ideas. '''7)''' The facilitator will then ask the participants to discuss the [[value|values]] of each [[option]] and to try to decide if it is good or bad. Through a primed discussion, participants are getting in to more converged ideas about the different options. '''8)''' At the end of deliberation the participants will be asked to [[select]] one of the options. The voting will help to see the attitude of the participants toward the options, and also, when compared to the survey on step 2, to establish the influence of the deliberation.
==experts knowledge==