→Finding answers to comlex questions during a brake
Suggesting: '''Neural redirection''' is done while the brain is "rest". When we try to solve problems we try to go along familiar paths, but when we give the brain a rest, he finds alternative paths which are more minimum-energy (more efficient or more suitable). He basically finds solutions to complex answers during a break. What is the mechanism of redirection, I do not know yet.
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_and_learning#cite_note-3 Sleep can boost learning]<ref>[http://therapeuticliteracycenter.com/the-role-of-sleep-in-learning-memory-and-health/ Role of Sleep in Learning, Memory, and Health, Maria Bagby]</ref><ref>[https://sleep.med.harvard.edu/news/120/To+Understand+The+Big+Picture+Give+It+Time+And+Sleep "To understand the big picture, give it time – and sleep". EurekAlert. April 20, 2007. Retrieved 2007-04-23.]</ref><ref>Stickgold, R. & Walker, M.P. (2004). Sleep-dependent learning and memory consolidation. Neuron, 44, 121-133.</ref><ref>Peyrache, A.; Khamassi, M.; Benchenane, K.; Wiener, S. I.; Battaglia, F. P. (2009). "Replay of rule-learning related neural patterns in the prefrontal cortex during sleep.". Nature Neuroscience 12 (7): 919–926.</ref>
The best brakes are good overnight sleep and early in the morning when we are awake in bed.