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Conservatives and Liberals

179 bytes added, 07:52, 16 September 2013
Causes of conservatism
==high levels proposed causes of liberalism and conservatism==
===Causes of conservatism===
Some genes differ between conservatives and liberal<ref>[Hetami 2011, Peter K., et al. "A genome-wide analysis of liberal and conservative political attitudes." Journal of Politics 73.1 (2011): 271-285.‏]</ref> , asspecial genes related to NMDA and serotonin.
Enviromental threat elvate conservatism<ref>Duckitt, J., & Fisher, K. (2003). The Impact of Social Threat on Worldview and Ideological Attitudes. Political Psychology, 24(1), 199–222. doi:10.1111/0162-895X.00322</ref>