→Troling - need for status and attention
===Troling - need for status and attention===
Trolling<ref>Hardaker, C. (2010). Trolling in asynchronous computer-mediated communication: From user discussions to academic definitions.</ref>
One of the most prominent and interesting Sthkimo forums before Hdominntadtiot of Facebook was a side Htroling. . Trolls on web-trolls, they write discussion forums and try to harass people, annoy them and take them off-balance, regardless of the topic of discussion. Any attempt to calm logically trolls often falls on deaf ears. All her discussion about her acceptance further agitation. Troll "effective" can upset other participants and become his hearing, loud and aggressive and to escape using moderate the forums. To deal with the problem Htorling developed a number of approaches. Many forums where there is usually effective monitoring can usually rule out the use of forum trolls. Different culture Shtfthth for Btroling called "dont feed the troll" Experience shows Scshar not answer trolls they disappear and move to another place where they can get angry responses from other users. Although this process is possible, not always easy to avoid other participants to respond to trolls.