** decreased openness to experience, in nonhuman experience. r=-.32 p<0.001 (Jost et al. 2003). Joe et al., found that cons. like to participate in decision making and humor experiments.
** uncertainty avoidance: r=.34 p<0.0001 to conservatism (Jost et al. 2003). conservatives prefer simple and realistic paintings (Mathews 1973). Cons do not like to change work habits or use new technology (Fay and Frase 2000). r=-.27 p<0.001
** personal needs for order and structure: cons like more tidy and representative clothing and are more tidy.(Altemyer 1998).
**need for cognitive closure
* Existential motives.** lowered self-esteem** fear, anger, and aggression** pessimism, disgust, and contempt** loss prevention** fear of death** threat arising from social and economic deprivation** threat to the stability ofthe social system