→Troling - need for status and attention
To prevent Troling, not by removing from the forum trolls, he could move himself to allow violation of freedom of expression entirely legitimate, we must find ways to prevent the phenomenon of psychological Htroling. One tried and true methods to handle this issue is to avoid responding trolls. This comment was called Do not feed the troll. Avoidance response does not allow a troll to attract the "prey" trap, and prevents the creation of the required effect of lowering another person or made me angry, and therefore needs a troll not be provided. As a result of the trolls need not doubt they will take other forums, where they can get the needed attention - attention and need for control and supremacy.
The method still - Do not feed the troll might cause even those who express legitimate player, but a bit aggressive or irritating filtered this method. To allow maximum freedom of expression, we had to develop a method that would allow discussing psychological, even when people come to discuss troll behavior. The solution I found was using empathy brings. When I came across the phenomenon Htroling, and I was not aware of the theory described in this article, I tried a number of methods for dealing with Troling activity. And one of the most effective methods developed in light of the feeling I had back then, that the need Shtrolistim trying to get is attention. Accordance with this feeling, I tried to make the troll part of the community. I did this by directing positive attention troll. Once the troll into the community, instead of raging on I approached him love and a notebook. I used phrases like "How nice touch", "Yes, we are happy to have you and would love to hear your thoughts." During the discussion, I try to assign a place of honor according to Troll and encourages community members to deal with the their claims, even if they sound strange at first. Keywords Using closeness and warmth were able to make almost all the trolls partners off relatively quickly. This approach was particularly effective. Almost all the trolls have quickly become part of the community and continued ended harassment. The only time I encountered who could not handle the matter was referred to the case of a troll call him "Mutti" (so as not to give him the story of the publication). Moti is a troll walking communities have left agenda, and bully other members by making very provocative positions matching the Palestinian position. One of his main arguments was that the Jews are Khazars, and Arab Jews are Jews Haotntim that make it right to live here, under the auspices of a Palestinian state stretching from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River. Moti managed to annoy regularly used in many forums because his extreme views. At one point, Moti came to my blog and began to argue his claim newsletters. As I did with the other trolls turned to Moti fondly. I've heard the arguments, and praised him for his thinking interesting. When I tried to have a dialogue with him was mysteriously immune counters rationalization process and the reliance on evidence. Would seem that insists on staying Moti antagonistic position no matter what. Moti is the only troll I remember standing in front of the process that brings and sharing.
Efficient method that brings, is consistent with the theory needs. If you need a troll is to obtain attention, then empathic attitude that respects and listener, fills this need very effectively. Furthermore, the troll gets positive attention, in terms of need is probably provides more negative attention, he feels an intense need to keep his place in the community. Therefore, the participant who troll will attempt to adopt a more respectful form of discussion and more detailed. Typically, the participant will be required aggressive time to update the language and probably the complex processes of thinking and aggressive. It may from time to time to respond aggressively, or throw statements and run the forum. Therefore it is very important at this stage to accompany the participant all the way to use the system to teach complex thinking and to be an active and contributing forum. Sometimes this may take even months of discussion, but in my experience, many participants began troll behavior, have participants use time and respectful communication complex, characterized by decision makers in the PFC.